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Showing 1-20 of 133 results

Stated simply, Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities. This equation helps a company (and its financing sources) understand whether it has enough short-term cash inflows to cover its short-term cash outflows, also referred to as liquidity. But it’s not as simple as that. And, because...

Litigation/Bankruptcy: Things That are Important in Contractual Negotiations Learn the do’s and don’ts when dealing with independent sales agents, weigh the pros and cons of attorney's fees, and gain insights into key contract considerations. Discover strategies to become a secure creditor and...

In a conversational 30-minute forum over Zoom, Saul Ewing attorneys will host a monthly series discussing emerging industry developments and common issues that cannabis businesses face today. Interested in the full series? Find additional dates and topics. For questions, please contact Mary...

CHAPTER 11 - INDUSTRY FOCUS: Focus on Manufacturing Issues in chapter 11 cases of manufacturing companies vary from case to case, however, certain issues tend to arise in most chapter 11 cases involving one. This webinar addresses those issues. Among them: the treatment of leases, including...

PHILADELPHIA, (JUNE 10, 2024) – Michael Petrizzo and Julia Taylor, corporate attorneys with more than 50 years of combined experience, have joined Saul Ewing LLP as new partners. While Ms. Taylor is resident in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office, Mr. Petrizzo is resident in Philadelphia with a...

A bipartisan group of representatives, led by Representatives Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) and Veronica Escobar (D-TX), have introduced an updated version of the Dignity Act (H.R. 3599) to fix what they call the nation’s fractured immigration system. The authors of the bill call it the first serious...

You can chase a lot of financial measures of your business, but nothing stacks up to cash flow. Like a boat captain on a rough sea, being able to see what is coming at you financially is absolutely invaluable. Cash flow models are the absolute go-to tool for reviewing companies in distress, yet they...

Don’t miss this online program that is designed to give new business attorneys a better understanding of the key recurring issues to be aware of, as well as inform more experienced business attorneys of the novel and complex ethical issues that may arise in their practice. Program Chat Moderator...

The EB-5 industry is heading to Atlanta, GA in 2024 for the 14th Annual EB-5 Industry Forum the premiere annual gathering of EB-5 stakeholders. Attendees will enjoy two days of networking, education, and business development in one of the country's most important financial and economic hubs...

Kermit Nash will be participating in the Global Business Connections Conference 2024 being held in West Fargo, North Dakota on May 15th. He will be the moderator of a three-person panel during the afternoon's Global Agility Panel Discussion. This Conference is being hosted by the North Dakota Trade...

MBA BOOTCAMP: How to Read a Balance Sheet – And Why You Care! A balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity. It is one of several major financial statements used to manage a business and is a critical due diligence item used by lenders and investors in deciding...

TMA SoCal Presents - Alternatives To Chapter 11 Chapter 11 is often the primary way through a challenging situation for distressed companies. However, Chapter 11 is not always the best or only option. This panel will lead a spirited discussion on alternatives to a traditional Chapter 11 bankruptcy...

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