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Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Jessica Bradley

Jessica E. Bradley is an experienced litigator and trial lawyer who defends employers and managers in labor and employment matters, ranging from claims of harassment, retaliation, wrongful termination, and discrimination based on age, sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability and...

Paige M. Berry Headshot

Paige Berry is an experienced insurance regulatory attorney who concentrates her practice on the regulatory, compliance and corporate aspects of the insurance industry. She provides advice to members of the insurance industry and assistance to businesses in self-insurance and risk management...

Douglas M. Ramler

Doug Ramler's focus is on helping entrepreneurs, managers and boards build their companies. He advises high-growth start-up and emerging companies on business formation, technology commercialization, finance, governance, contracts and strategic matters. With 30 years of experience, Doug is able to...

Joseph A. Valenti

Joe Valenti is a trial and appellate lawyer who represents entities and individuals under investigation or in litigation involving government authorities. Clients ranging from financial services companies to government contractors and heavily regulated businesses in the health care, energy...

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