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Showing 21-24 of 24 results
Daniel Kopp

Daniel Kopp, Ph.D., advises companies and universities on how to protect the intellectual property behind their commercially and scientifically meaningful inventions. In his work as a patent attorney, Daniel brings an informed perspective as an MIT-trained biochemist and 20 years of legal work in...

Peter Brunovskis

Peter Brunovskis brings more than 20 years of experience to his role as a patent agent assisting clients with U.S. and overseas patent applications. He is a former biotech patent examiner for the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office with a Ph.D. in microbiology and 15 years of research experience in...

Jay Reilly Headshot

Jay Reilly represents biotech, medical device and diagnostic companies, as well as universities and nonprofits, in strategic transactions in the life sciences industry, particularly complex collaborative arrangements and technology acquisitions and dispositions. Jay has extensive experience...

Alireza Behrooz Headshot

A patent attorney with a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Microbiology, Alireza Behrooz assists companies and universities in protecting intellectual property connected to inventions in the life sciences. Drawing on years of private practice experience, Alireza prepares, files and secures patents as...

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