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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the healthcare landscape, promising to revolutionize diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. From drug discovery to surgical precision, AI’s potential benefits are immense. However, the integration of AI into medicine also raises significant legal...

There has been considerable attention to noncompete clauses since the Federal Trade Commission published its final rule to ban most of them. The final rule was not drafted specifically for physicians, but it will impact physicians if the final rule is not delayed or rescinded by the federal courts...

While each section of an employment agreement is important, one of the most often overlooked or sometimes ignored sections is the so-called “miscellaneous” section. Though it may not be as economically impactful as the compensation section or as critical to long-term stability as the term and...

James Rohlfing authored the feature story, “Illinois Legislature Makes Notice of Mechanics Lien Easier” in the Summer 2024 issue of the Illinois Mechanical & Specialty Contractors Association’s Substance publication. The article addresses how the Illinois legislature has expanded the methods for...

"Solar energy construction has increased significantly in recent years across the United States, with some forecasters expecting another rise of at least 75% for 2024. This growth in solar projects results in good measure from existing and additional tax credits continued and implemented through the...

Take the time now to ensure your new job—and contract—will add to, not detract from, your quality of life.

The work of subcontractors is largely guided by the written contracts to which they agree, making those contracts important to their company’s success. Ideally, contracts should be balanced, and they should allocate risk to the party able to control the risk, but that is often not the case. Though...

On May 25, 2023, the Illinois legislature passed HB 2878, a colossal 195-page bill, that impacts numerous public procurement laws, including curbing the percentage of retainage that local governments may withhold from contractors on public construction projects in Illinois. On June 22, 2023, the...

Contractors could start seeing six-figure fines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the next few months thanks to sweeping policy changes implemented earlier this year. In a press release and two internal memoranda issued January 26, 2023, the Department of Labor (DOL)...

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