Covering Your Campus's Legal Issues The legal issues facing colleges and universities are more challenging than ever, reaching every corner of campus life with increasing complexity. From discipline to drones, Title IX to taxes, FERPA to financing, Saul Ewing has a deep bench of lawyers who wrestle...
Teresa "Terri" R. Tracy represents management in labor and employment litigation and related legal matters. Her experience includes issues involving wrongful termination, discrimination, wage and hour, class action, union organizing campaigns, grievances and arbitrations, and collective bargaining...
Lisa Koblin assists employers with labor and employment disputes, including litigation of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, unpaid wage and class action claims in state and federal courts as well as mediation. She provides counseling on employee handbooks and policies, non-compete agreements...
Rob Duston is a business lawyer and litigator with more than 30 years of experience helping businesses, schools and other entities, primarily in three areas of the law: compliance with the public access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Housing Act (FHA), Section 504 of...