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Guidance Through Complex IRS Negotiations Despite pressure and demands from tax regulatory bodies, taxpayers are entitled to many protections while under investigation in a tax controversy or while being pursued for tax collection. Leveraging these protections and navigating the complex process...

Saul Ewing’s Intellectual Property attorneys regularly provide seasoned, client-focused intellectual property advice and counsel to universities and colleges in all aspects of securing and protecting their rights in commercially valuable intellectual property throughout the U.S. (as well as...

Government is growing every day. Regardless of which political party is in power, the scope of government regulation at the state, county and local levels, and the impact of government on all types of business has regularly increased. Regardless of your type of business – manufacturing or finance...

Companies planning to develop and commercialize medical devices or diagnostics face a challenging financing, regulatory, reimbursement and liability environment. Saul Ewing attorneys are experienced in helping medical device and diagnostic companies navigate these challenges. Many members of our...

The pharmaceutical industry faces a challenging business environment as competition drives down prices, R&D expenses rise, and government scrutiny deepens. However, companies have many options for navigating these challenges, generally by making deals with others in the field, including mergers and...

A key component of a company’s intellectual property strategy is the protection of its industrial designs, including the ornamental features of products, graphical user interfaces, icons and fonts, to combat competitors copying its products. Industrial design protection fills a niche between (and...

Attracting and retaining the best talent depends on your organization’s ability to provide competitive compensation and benefits. Employers must respond to new laws and constantly changing compliance obligations, both of which impact their internal and external processes and procedures. Employers...

Practical Guidance Throughout Various Stages of Growth Companies and organizations of all sizes continually strive for growth—growth into new markets and regions, growth in their operational efficiencies, growth through transformative transactions and partnerships, and growth in revenue. Maintaining...

Supporting Ideas Through a Company’s Life Cycle Transforming an idea into a business is a journey filled with excitement and challenges. Building a company requires an effective team who can make difficult decisions with imperfect information. From choosing partners to securing reliable funding...

Protecting patents and maximizing their value are paramount to the success of brand pharmaceutical companies and university technology departments, in particular as they relate to generic competitors who file Abbreviated New Drug Applications (ANDAs) under the Hatch-Waxman Act. Saul Ewing’s...

Every day, employers are confronted with new, varied and frequently thorny workplace challenges. Going well beyond traditional labor disputes and allegations of discrimination, businesses today are faced with an ever-changing regulatory and legislative environment in areas such as wage and hour...

Guidance Throughout a Shifting Global Landscape Growth and opportunity are driving factors for success in today’s expanding global economy. The prevalence of crossing borders to gain a competitive edge, sustain profitability, maximize investments or realize personal goals has resulted in a critical...

Comprehensive Guidance for Seizing and Optimizing Investments in Opportunity Zones In 2017, Congress created significant tax incentives for investment in Opportunity Zones. An investor who has recognized capital gains and makes a timely investment in a "Qualified Opportunity Fund" may (1) defer the...

Saul Ewing’s Trusts & Estates group is a nationwide team featuring more than 40 attorneys across 10 offices. We work with individuals and families on succession planning and wealth transfer, counsel closely-held businesses on governance, growth and restructuring, and litigate and resolve disputes of...

Intellectual property is often a company’s strongest asset, one that can be protected and leveraged to gain a competitive advantage. It is critical for companies of all sizes to effectively protect and enforce their intellectual property. Saul Ewing’s team of attorneys and patent agents with diverse...

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