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Showing 21-40 of 167 results

Stated simply, Working Capital = Current Assets - Current Liabilities. This equation helps a company (and its financing sources) understand whether it has enough short-term cash inflows to cover its short-term cash outflows, also referred to as liquidity. But it’s not as simple as that. And, because...

Litigation/Bankruptcy: Things That are Important in Contractual Negotiations Learn the do’s and don’ts when dealing with independent sales agents, weigh the pros and cons of attorney's fees, and gain insights into key contract considerations. Discover strategies to become a secure creditor and...

CHAPTER 11 - INDUSTRY FOCUS: Focus on Manufacturing Issues in chapter 11 cases of manufacturing companies vary from case to case, however, certain issues tend to arise in most chapter 11 cases involving one. This webinar addresses those issues. Among them: the treatment of leases, including...

You can chase a lot of financial measures of your business, but nothing stacks up to cash flow. Like a boat captain on a rough sea, being able to see what is coming at you financially is absolutely invaluable. Cash flow models are the absolute go-to tool for reviewing companies in distress, yet they...

Don’t miss this online program that is designed to give new business attorneys a better understanding of the key recurring issues to be aware of, as well as inform more experienced business attorneys of the novel and complex ethical issues that may arise in their practice. Program Chat Moderator...

Minnesota has a unique statute that allows minority shareholders in a closely held corporation to initiate an action for a buy-out of their interests. Minn. Stat. § 302A.751, subdivision 2. Under the Minnesota Business Corporation Act, a closely held corporation is a corporation with 35 or fewer...

On April 4, Cindy Lehr retired from her role as chief staff attorney to the Minnesota Court of Appeals, a position she had held for more than 40 years. Cindy has been succeeded as chief by seasoned Staff Attorney Liz Keating. A few weeks into Liz’s tenure as chief staff attorney, she and Cindy sat...

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