Saul Ewing congratulates the Colin Farrell Foundation on its launch. The foundation is committed to transforming the lives of individuals and families living with intellectual disability through education, awareness, advocacy, and innovative programs. Inspired by actor Colin Farrell's personal...
WASHINGTON, D.C., (SEPT 14, 2023) – In joining Saul Ewing as a new partner, Jason McElroy brings 20 years of experience as a trial lawyer representing clients in federal and state courts in a wide range of matters, including consumer financial services litigation. He is resident in the firm’s...
BOSTON, MA (February 7, 2023) – Jon Barooshian and Patrick Tracey bring a combined five decades of experience as litigators to their new roles as partners in the firm’s Boston office. Mr. Barooshian will focus his practice on white collar and government enforcement matters and tax controversies...