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​A perennial debate exists in the white-collar space: do the benefits of self-disclosure outweigh the risks associated with providing the government with a road map to the company’s purported violation? Consistently, the Department of Justice, among other government agencies, has answered that...

Litigator School – Part II: ADR & Settlement Many cases are litigated outside of the court system through the use of alternative dispute resolution methods such as arbitration, and the vast majority of cases settle before they reach trial, either as a result of the parties’ efforts or with the help...

It's Who You Know - Tips for Building Your Community and Brand Moderator: Michael Joyce, Saul Ewing; Panelists: Paul Malanowski, Saul Ewing, Shannon Lombardo, Saul Ewing, and Nathan Platt, Deputy General Counsel at Liberty Tire Recycling As in-house counsel, developing and utilizing your network is...

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