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​A perennial debate exists in the white-collar space: do the benefits of self-disclosure outweigh the risks associated with providing the government with a road map to the company’s purported violation? Consistently, the Department of Justice, among other government agencies, has answered that...

Throughout 2023, OSHA has implemented multiple policy changes meant to enhance its enforcement mechanisms, including increased funding and inspector hirings, revisions to the "instance-by-instance" violation policy, modifications to the Severe Violator Enforcement Program, and the new electronic...

“Oops, [it] did it again.” Analogous to Ms. Spears’s lyric, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) once again causes a reset across multiple industries with its third iteration of an electronic data reporting rule. Beginning January 1, 2024 , for employers in specific high-hazard...

Contractors could start seeing six-figure fines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the next few months thanks to sweeping policy changes implemented earlier this year. In a press release and two internal memoranda issued January 26, 2023, the Department of Labor (DOL)...

On May 31, 2023, W. Matthew Bryant presented on “Land Surveying Law and Regulation” as part of a continuing education presentation on Illinois Land Surveying Law and Ethics. Topics addressed included: Land Surveyor business formation; professional Land Surveyor regulatory requirements; the related...

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