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Showing 61-64 of 64 results
Seema Rambaran

Seema Rambaran represents institutions of higher education in litigation matters, and advises them on legal issues affecting their daily operations, including employment disputes and compliance with federal and state laws and regulations. Her litigation experience includes sexual harassment...

Alexander Bilus Headshot

Alexander (Sandy) R. Bilus assists clients who are facing complex commercial litigation or who need legal advice on issues involving cybersecurity and data privacy, particularly in the higher education and financial services industries. Sandy's litigation experience includes arguing cases before the...

Garry Boehlert Headshot

Garry Boehlert focuses his practice on resolving claims and disputes arising from significant infrastructure projects. He regularly assists owners, contractors, sureties, specialty subcontractors and engineering/design firms with the drafting, review and negotiation of contracts and the evaluation...

William D. Nussbaum

Bill Nussbaum handles complex litigation for colleges, universities and other institutions of learning that are facing sensitive disputes around issues such as racial and gender discrimination and employee misconduct. His skill at managing legal teams to present difficult cases comes from more than...

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