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Showing 41-43 of 43 results
Adam Fayne

Adam Fayne assists companies and individuals, nationally and internationally, on corporate and tax issues. As a corporate attorney, Adam routinely advises management or in-house general counsel on various legal matters affecting their day-to-day corporate activities. His experience includes handling...

Thomas Cryan

Thomas Cryan advises Fortune 100 clients and other large employers on legal issues connected with executive compensation, fringe benefits, employment tax and related government reporting. Drawing on more than 25 years of practice, Tom works closely with the legal, tax and benefits departments for...

Robert Duston Headshot

Rob Duston is a business lawyer and litigator with more than 30 years of experience helping businesses, schools and other entities, primarily in three areas of the law: compliance with the public access requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Fair Housing Act (FHA), Section 504 of...

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