Howard B. Miller

Howard B. Miller
Primary Office

Corporate Deals and Disputes

Select representations include:

  • A printed circuit manufacturing company with four plants in three states and 1,200 employees in its purchase and sale of assets, launch of new facilities, resolution of labor and credit problems, and other matters.
  • A North American flooring manufacturer with five plants in four states and 2,400 employees in its purchase of an entire division, creation of different classes of stock for family members and key employees, purchase of equipment from foreign manufacturers, set up of distributors, establishment of  retirement plans, and other matters.
  • A department store chain with 11 locations in succession planning, buying out family members, handling tax audits, dealing with financial issues, and other matters.
  • A client in  a major mediation to resolve patent litigation.
  • Assisted in bringing two major competitors together to create a joint manufacturing operation that would benefit both competitors.

Estates and Trusts

Experience and capabilities include:

  • Planning for the distribution of assets among family members with different interests.
  • Estate and trust planning involving children with disabilities.
  • Preventing and participating in will and trust contests.
  • Dealing with improper claims against an estate.
  • Serve as a trustee of long term trusts, including those with children and grandchildren who are descendants of deceased family business owners who need special care and attention.

Business Succession Matters

Select representations include:

  • Advised and assisted in the creation of a Family Council.
  • Devised the structuring of stock ownership in order to pass controlling shares to the next generation leader.
  • Added outside professional management to a family business as part of succession planning.
  • Redemption of shares from some family members in order to simplify the process of succession  planning.
Experience quote