Zachary R. Kobrin

Zachary Kobrin
Primary Office

Business Transactions

  • Led and managed the legal team that advised on the $2.1 billion acquisition of a public cannabis company, creating the one of the largest cannabis operators in the United States.
  • Assisted, advised, and served as the lead regulatory counsel to a multi-state operator in its acquisition of multiple Pennsylvania license holders. 
  • Assisted, advised, and served as regulatory counsel on the acquisition of a Nevada cannabis testing laboratory.
  • Assisted a Colombian corporation with the formation of a U.S. subsidiary and application and receipt of a hemp license in the State of Florida, including development of a compliance plan and drafting of wholesale distribution agreements.

Regulatory and Compliance Advice

  • Served as lead regulatory counsel and managed the license transfer process for a Florida medical marijuana license.
  • Developed a replicable corporate infrastructure and governance model for a multi-national cannabis company to expand its acquisition and operation of cannabis licenses.
  • Established a legal framework for a growing cannabis holding company to protect assets held by different affiliated entities while ensuring a liability shield for each entity.
  • Assisted and advised companies in their licensing application process in Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, Canada, Oregon, California, Michigan, Australia, Puerto Rico, and Macedonia.
  • Represented various cannabis companies from Florida, Pennsylvania and Texas, in front of and to the applicable state regulators.
  • Developed regulatory and banking compliance protocols to be implemented across the parent company and multiple subsidiaries in different jurisdictions.
  • Oversaw the incorporation and applicable federal and state regulatory registration of more than 20 affiliates and subsidiaries of a marijuana-related business.
  • Developed processes to lease real estate, including establishing requirements for local and state zoning and regulatory due diligence and creating a standard form corporate lease applicable in multiple jurisdictions.
  • Advised state regulators in Florida on the development of regulations implementing and expanding its medical marijuana program.
  • Negotiated and prepared data license and service agreements for a data analytics company. Also advised and developed the company’s GDPR compliance policy.

Intellectual Property

Assisted in the application and securing of trademark registration for a medical marijuana operator in Florida.